Source code for spotware_connect.client

from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.internet.endpoints import clientFromString
from twisted.application.internet import ClientService
from twisted.internet import reactor
from .protocol import Protocol
from .protobuf import Protobuf

[docs]class Client(ClientService): PROXY_DEMO = "" PROXY_LIVE = "" EVENT_CONNECT_NAME = "connect" EVENT_DISCONNECT_NAME = "disconnect" EVENT_MESSAGE_NAME = "message"
[docs] class Protocol(Protocol): client = None
[docs] def connectionMade(self): super().connectionMade() self.client.connect()
[docs] def connectionLost(self, reason): super().connectionLost(reason) self.client.disconnect()
[docs] def receive(self, message): self.client.receive(message)
[docs] class Factory(Factory): client = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.client = kwargs['client']
[docs] def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = super().buildProtocol(addr) p.client = self.client return p
def __init__(self, live=False, retryPolicy=None, clock=None, prepareConnection=None): host = "ssl:" + (self.PROXY_LIVE if live else self.PROXY_DEMO) endpoint = clientFromString(reactor, host) factory = Client.Factory.forProtocol(Client.Protocol, client=self) super().__init__(endpoint, factory, retryPolicy=retryPolicy, clock=clock, prepareConnection=prepareConnection)
[docs] def start(self, timeout=None): self.startService() if timeout: reactor.callLater(timeout, self.stop)
[docs] def stop(self): self.stopService() if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
[docs] def connect(self): self.exec_events(self.EVENT_CONNECT_NAME)
[docs] def disconnect(self): self.exec_events(self.EVENT_DISCONNECT_NAME)
[docs] def receive(self, message): payload = Protobuf.extract(message) kargs = dict(msg=message, msgid=message.clientMsgId, msgtype=message.payloadType, payload=payload, **{fv[0].name: fv[1] for fv in payload.ListFields()}) if "ctidTraderAccountId" in kargs: kargs["ctid"] = payload.ctidTraderAccountId self.exec_events(self.EVENT_MESSAGE_NAME, **kargs)
[docs] def emit(self, message, msgid=None, **params): if type(message) in [str, int]: message = Protobuf.get(message, **params) def protocol_send(protocol): protocol.send(message, msgid=msgid) con = self.whenConnected() con.addCallback(protocol_send) return con
_events = dict()
[docs] def event(self, name_or_func=None, **filters): if not self._events: # lazy create for e in [self.EVENT_CONNECT_NAME, self.EVENT_DISCONNECT_NAME, self.EVENT_MESSAGE_NAME]: self._events[e] = [] if callable(name_or_func): # callable append name = name_or_func.__name__ self._events[name].append(name_or_func) return name_or_func def decorate(func): # decorate with args evname = name_or_func from functools import wraps @wraps(func) def func_wrap(*args, **kwargs): for k, v in filters.items(): if k not in kwargs or kwargs[k] != v: return func(*args, **kwargs) self._events[evname].append(func_wrap) return func return decorate
[docs] def message(self, **filters): if 'msgtype' in filters and type(filters['msgtype']) in [str, int]: filters['msgtype'] = Protobuf.get_type(filters['msgtype']) return self.event(self.EVENT_MESSAGE_NAME, **filters)
[docs] def exec_events(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if name not in self._events: return for f in self._events[name]: f(*args, **kwargs)